Saturday, January 7, 2023

How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of Oklahoma

There are many scholarships and grants available from the State of Oklahoma. Below we have included a list of these awards that help students pay for college.

Before getting to the prizes, there are a couple of important points to know about the list below.

First, it’s important to read eligibility requirements for all prizes you intend to apply for. Applying for scholarships takes time so you’ll want to be sure that you meet the terms and conditions before investing your energy. Also, for most college scholarship opportunities offered by states, applicants must complete a  Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is used to determine your eligibility for federal financial aid. However, it’s also used to determine your eligibility for various state college grants and scholarships, including those from the State of Oklahoma.

The second important point is that in addition to the prizes below, there are many more scholarships available from private institutions like corporations, religious organizations, charities, non-profits, etc. To help you in your journey, we offer thousands of options in our free scholarship finder. But, before you get to those options, let’s cover what state prizes exist for Oklahoma residents.

Oklahoma Scholarship Programs

Academic Scholars Program

The Academic Scholars Program is operated by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. It provides scholarships to academically outstanding students who attend an Oklahoma college or university.

Oklahoma students can automatically qualify for the program by achieving designation as a National Merit Scholar, National Merit Finalist or United States Presidential Scholar or by scoring at or above the 99.5 percentile on the ACT or SAT. Public colleges and universities may also nominate students attending their institution for the program based on criteria established by each institution.

The amount of the award varies according to the type of institution the student attends and qualification status. Beginning fall 2023, the annual scholarship amount for automatic qualifiers is $6,000 for students who attend the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University or The University of Tulsa; $4,500 for students who attend any other Oklahoma four-year public or private college or university; and $4,000 for students who attend Oklahoma two-year colleges.

The annual scholarship amount for Institutional Nominees is $3,500 for students who attend the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University or The University of Tulsa; $2,700 for students who attend any other Oklahoma four-year public or private college or university; and $2,500 for students who attend Oklahoma two-year colleges.

Regional University Baccalaureate Scholarship

The Regional University Baccalaureate Scholarship enables eleven participating public universities to provide up to four years of scholarship support to academically-promising Oklahoma students enrolled in a baccalaureate program.

Applicants must be Oklahoma residents and must meet one of the following criteria defined below:

(i) Have an ACT composite score of at least 30 (Only ACT test scores from an official test report issued by ACT will be considered for admission to the program.) OR (ii) Be a National Merit Semifinalist or Commended Student.

The eleven participating institutions are: Cameron University, East Central University, Langston University, Northeastern State University, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Rogers State University, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, University of Central Oklahoma, and the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.

The annual award amount is $3,000 and a resident tuition waiver from the institution.

Chiropractic Education Scholarship Program

The Chiropractic Education Scholarship Program is administered by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and the Oklahoma State Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

The purpose of this award is to assist residents of the state of Oklahoma who are pursuing the study of chiropractic at accredited out-of-state schools.

To be eligible, students must be a resident of Oklahoma for at least five years prior to the date of application. They must must be enrolled in or have been accepted to an accredited chiropractic school and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Annual awards offer up to $6,000.

George and Donna Nigh Public Service Scholarship

The George and Donna Nigh Public Service Scholarship provides financial aid opportunities to outstanding students who are preparing for careers in public service. A component of the scholarship program is participation in seminars on public service offered by the Nigh Institute. Each college and university may nominate one scholarship recipient per year.

To be eligible, Oklahoma students must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate program within the state. Applicants must demonstrate exceptional academic achievement as evidenced by a number of factors which may include grade point average, class rank, national awards, scholastic achievement, honors, teachers’ recommendations and the applicant’s involvement in extracurricular activities.

The award amount is $1,000.

Scholars for Excellence in Child Care

The Scholars for Excellence in Child Care Program awards scholarships to eligible child care professionals to complete coursework in the area of child development or early childhood education, as well as the Child Development Associate (CDA) and Certified Childcare Professional (CCP) Credential Assessment.

Award amounts vary annually.

Heroes Promise Military Scholarship

The Heroes Promise Military Scholarship is available to children of any person killed after Jan. 1, 2000, in the line of duty in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces or who died after Jan. 1, 2000, as a result of an injury sustained while in the line of duty in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces.

This award will pay a student’s tuition at a public community college or university. It will also cover a portion of tuition at an accredited Oklahoma private college or university or for courses at public technology centers that are approved for credit toward an Associate in Applied Science degree at a public college.

Independent Living Act (Foster Care Tuition Waiver)

The Independent Living Act offers financial aid to individuals who were or are in the foster care program of the Department of Human Services receive services that include housing, medical coverage and education.

To be eligible, students must have graduated within the previous three years from a State Board of Education-accredited high school, the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics or a high school bordering Oklahoma as approved by the State Board of Education OR the student must have completed the General Educational Development (GED) requirements.

A resident tuition waiver covers the cost of resident tuition for all courses for which resident tuition is charged.

Oklahoma Grant Programs

State Grant Programs: Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG)

The Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant Program (OTAG) is a need-based grant program for Oklahoma residents who attend eligible institutions in Oklahoma. Awards are offered for full-time or part-time undergraduate students.

Basic requirements for OTAG include the eligibility to receive a Pell grant in the current academic term (as determined by the FAFSA).

The maximum annual award is the lesser of 75 percent of enrollment costs or up to $1,500 at eligible community college and career technology centers, up to $2,000 at regional universities and up to $3,000 at research universities.

Oklahoma Tuition Equalization Grant (OTEG)

The Oklahoma Tuition Equalization Grant (OTEG) is s need-based grant program that awards grants to Oklahoma residents enrolled as full-time undergraduates at certain qualified Oklahoma not-for-profit, private/independent institutions of higher education.

In addition to other eligibility requirements, students must complete a FAFSA and have a family income of $50,000 or less.

OTEG grant amounts are $2,000 per academic year or $1,000 per academic semester.

Find More College Scholarships for Oklahoma Students

Your search for college scholarships shouldn’t end here. There are many other resources available to help you find the right opportunities. Start by talking to your school’s financial aid office, which can provide information on local and national scholarship awards. If you’re currently a high school student, you can ask your guidance counselor for this valuable information.

You can also search online for scholarship databases, which offer tons of prizes.

No matter where you look, there’s sure to be a scholarship out there that fits your qualifications! Be sure to take advantage of all the resources available when searching for college scholarships and grants. Scholarship wins can help you graduate debt free and they can create amazing career opportunities, so go get them!


The post How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of Oklahoma first appeared on BridgesEDU Scholarships.

Original post here: How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of Oklahoma

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