The State of Oregon offers a variety of financial aid programs for college students. Below, we offer a list of these prizes with links to relevant pages.
Oregon’s scholarship and grant programs are administered by the Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC), which operates under the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC).
As such, it’s important to know that most state grant and scholarship opportunities require students to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is used to determine your eligibility for federal financial aid. However, it’s also used by states for the same reason.
In addition to the FAFSA, there may be other scholarship or grant eligibility requirements. Consequently, your profile may be better suited to some types of scholarships. It’s crucial to know all of the terms and conditions of any scholarship opportunity because applications will take time. It’s frustrating to spend hours on an application only to learn afterward that you don’t qualify for that prize. Avoid this unfortunate circumstance and read scholarship fine print carefully!
So without further delay, let’s get to the prizes.
Oregon Scholarship Programs
OSAC Scholarship Application
Oregon’s scholarship program differs from most other states. Typically, students must apply for state scholarship funds by submitting applications to different places. However, in Oregon, the OSAC Scholarship Application provides students with an opportunity to apply for many prizes through one central portal. The system offers more than 600 scholarships that are valued beyond $10 million.
Of course, applicants must be Oregon residents. Beyond this, there are various prizes for Oregon students. Some are based on merit, usually requiring a minimum 3.0 GPA, while others are centered on financial need. There are also specific prizes for high school students or current college or university students. Moreover, certain scholarships may ask for a unique personal statement expanding on academic goals, community service, or career plans.
With the ability to apply for many scholarships, the OSAC Scholarship Application offers a great way to help you pay for college expenses.
Oregon Grant Programs
Oregon Opportunity Grant
The Oregon Opportunity Grant (OOG) is Oregon’s largest state-funded, need-based grant program for college students. The grant provides funding to more than 30,000 Oregon resident students each year.
OOG is a need-based grant awarded to Oregon residents of all ages who are pursuing their first associates degree or bachelor’s degree at an accredited public or private institution. Award amounts vary based on student’s financial need and type of institution the student attends. There is not a separate application for the OOG. To be considered for the grant, students must submit their FAFSA or ORSAA by the deadline date each academic year.
The amount of the Oregon Opportunity Grant ranges from $1,500 to $3,600 for community college and $2,352 to $4,692 for college or university.
Oregon Promise Grant
The Oregon Promise Grant helps cover tuition costs at any Oregon community college for recent high school graduates and GED test graduates (with a minimum GPA of 2.0 or higher, or a 145 grade on all GED tests). Students must apply during their senior year or immediately after GED test completion.
Recipients must attend community college and live in Oregon.
The amount of the Oregon Promise Grant ranges from $2,000 to $4,128.
Oregon Tribal Student Grant
The Oregon Tribal Student Grant provides funding for eligible Oregon tribal students to offset the cost of attendance at eligible Oregon colleges and universities. The grant is intended to cover the average cost of attendance after all federal and state grants/scholarships have been applied.
The amount of Oregon Tribal Student Grant varies. Funding for the 2023-2024 academic year and beyond are dependent on renewal of this grant by the Oregon state legislature.
Chafee Education and Training Grant (ETG)
The Chafee Education and Training Grant (also know as The Chafee Education and Training Voucher) provides funding to help current or former foster care youth with postsecondary education and training. To be eligible, applicants must currently be in child welfare foster care or previously in welfare foster care for at least 180 days (six months) after their 13th birthday.
The amount of this award is $5,000.
Oregon Student Child Care Grant
The Oregon Student Child Care Grant Program helps parents enrolled in postsecondary education to obtain safe, dependable care that supports their children’s development while allowing completion of the parent’s academic programs.
Award amount varies depending on student need, but grant cannot exceed $10,000 per academic year.
Deceased or Disabled Public Safety Officer (DDPSO) Grant
The Deceased or Disabled Public Safety Officer (DDPSO) Grant supports dependents of public safety officers in the state of Oregon who were killed or disabled in the line of duty.
The award is up to your actual tuition and all standard fees, and the DDPSO grant award will be reduced by state and federal grants. The grant cannot exceed $13,000 per academic year.
Oregon Barber and Hairdresser (B&H) Grant Program
The Oregon Barber and Hairdressers (B&H) Grant Program provides one-time grants to low-income students who are attending a licensed school of barbering, hair design, cosmetology, or manicure in Oregon that participates in Federal Title IV student aid programs and in the B&H Grant Program.
The amount of this award varies.
Oregon National Guard State Tuition Assistance
The Oregon National Guard State Tuition Assistance (ONGSTA) program provides funding toward undergraduate tuition, certain fees, and a book allowance, at eligible Oregon postsecondary institutions for current Oregon National Guard Members.
Award amounts vary depending on the type of institution the student attends and their eligibility for other military tuition assistance.
Find More Scholarships and Grants for Oregon College Students
If you’re a high school senior or a current college student in Oregon, your search for scholarships and grants should not end here.
The above scholarships are just a few of the options available to you. In fact, there are likely many more awards available to you, especially from private institutions like corporations, religious organizations, charities, non-profits, etc. To help you in your journey, we offer thousands of options in our free scholarship finder.
You may also ask your school’s financial aid office about school-specific scholarships. If you’re in high school, your guidance counselor may be a great resource to connect with local scholarships and grants.
In short, the resources outlined here should give you a great start in your search for college scholarships. Remember, winning scholarships and grants is a great way to help you graduate debt free. It will also bolster your profile and create great career opportunities. So, don’t let promising scholarship opportunities pass you by.
Original post here: How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of Oregon
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