Wednesday, January 4, 2023

How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of Ohio

The State of Ohio offers many grant and scholarship programs for Ohio residents. The financial aid programs are designed to help high school seniors and undergraduate students access higher education. State-level scholarships and grants are administered by Ohio Higher Ed (Department of Higher Education). Below, we offer a list of these awards.

Before applying for scholarships or grants, it’s important to read eligibility requirements. Some scholarships are awarded based on merit while others are centered on financial need. Additionally, most state prizes require you to to complete a a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is used to determine your eligibility for federal financial aid. However, it’s also used to determine your eligibility for various college scholarships and grant money from Ohio State.

If you’re looking for ways to pay for college or university, your journey shouldn’t end here. There are many private scholarships and grants for college students in Ohio and elsewhere. In addition to checking with your school counselor, financial aid office, or conducting online searches, you can also use our free scholarship finder. The scholarship finder matches you with prizes from our large database based on your student profile.

Now, let’s get to some options that can help you pay for your college education!

Ohio Scholarship Programs

Choose Ohio First Scholarship

The Choose Ohio First Scholarship is designed to significantly strengthen Ohio’s competitiveness within STEM disciplines and STEM education. Participating universities and colleges award scholarships to students desiring a certificate, associate degree, baccalaureate degree, or graduate degree in eligible STEM and STEM education fields.

All scholarships are given to students by participating Ohio universities and colleges. To apply, students must reach out to an approved contact for this program. For example, here is a Choose Ohio First list of programs and contacts for the Ohio State University. 

Ohio War Orphans and Severely Disabled Veterans’ Children Scholarship

The Ohio War Orphans Scholarship and Severely Disabled Veterans’ Children Scholarship offers tuition assistance to the children of deceased or severely disabled Ohio veterans who served in the armed forces during a period of declared war or conflict. To receive War Orphans Scholarship benefits, a student must be a resident of Ohio and enrolled for full-time undergraduate study and pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree at an eligible Ohio college or university.

The award offers 80% of tuition and general fees for Ohio public institutions and $6,170 for private institutions.

Ohio Safety Officers College Memorial Fund

The Ohio Safety Officers College Memorial Fund provides undergraduate tuition assistance to a child, spouse, and qualified former spouse of peace officers, fire fighters and certain other safety officers who are killed in the line-of-duty.

For students enrolled in an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program, the fund covers 100% of instructional and student fees at public colleges and universities and $8,606 at private institutions. It will also cover up to $8,000 for students enrolled in a certificate program.

Ohio Grant Programs

Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG)

The Ohio College Opportunity Grant provides money to Ohio residents who demonstrate the highest levels of financial need. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in an associate degree, first bachelor’s degree, or nurse diploma program at an eligible Ohio or Pennsylvania institution with an EFC (Expected Family Contribution) of 2190 or less and a maximum household income of $96,000.

The amount of the grant depends on a student’s enrollment status and institution. Total funding could be up to $4,200.

Second Chance Grant Program

The Second Chance Grant is designed to reduce financial barriers preventing Ohioans with some college credit but no bachelor’s degree from returning to higher education.

The Grant provides financial assistance in the form of $2,000 to eligible students re-enrolling at a participating Ohio post-secondary institution.

Find More College Grants and Scholarships for Ohio Students

When looking for scholarships, it is important to remember that there are many more available than just the ones listed above. Private scholarships are often offered by companies, associations, individuals, and other organizations. Doing research and finding out what private scholarships are available can help you find options that will provide additional funds for your education. Start by using a free scholarship finder, then check in with your high school guidance counselor or college financial aid office. Additionally, check with local businesses and organizations in your community. Keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to ask around; you never know what kind of opportunities may arise!

Once you have found a list of potential scholarships, take the time to read through the requirements and make sure to submit applications on time. With some hard work and dedication, you can find the perfect scholarship that will help cover the costs of your education.

Remember, winning scholarships can get you closer to graduating debt-free. Moreover, a track record of scholarship awards can expand your future career opportunities. Now that’s a great deal!

The post How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of Ohio first appeared on BridgesEDU Scholarships.

Original post here: How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of Ohio

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