Saturday, December 31, 2022

How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of North Dakota

The State of North Dakota offers a variety of scholarships and grants. The State’s awards are administered by the North Dakota University System. If you’re a North Dakota resident, you may qualify for prizes based on merit and/or financial need. Your status as a high school senior or undergraduate can also qualify you for various prizes. For this reason, it’s important to read eligibility criteria carefully.

It’s also important to know that federal and state scholarship programs typically require students to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). While the prizes below are administered by the North Dakota University System, state-level grants and scholarships are based on financial information submitted through the FAFSA process. The benefit is that you may qualify for federal financial aid like the Pell Grant program.

In addition to state and federal grants, there are many private scholarships available. In fact, there are likely thousands of scholarships you may qualify for as a college student. Scholarships are awarded for a variety of reasons. You may not have a perfect GPA or numerous extracurricular activities, but your profile may qualify you for a different type of prize. To find scholarship opportunities, speak with your school counselor, your school’s student financial aid office, and consult a scholarship database. The right prize is out there for you!

For most of the awards below, applicants must attend an accredited program in North Dakota. The list of accredited institutions include: Bismarck State College, Dickinson State University, Minot State University, Lake Region State College, Valley City State University, Dakota College at Bottineau, Williston State College, Mayville State University, North Dakota State University, North Dakota State College of Science, and the University of North Dakota.

So, with that said, let’s get to some prizes!

North Dakota Scholarship Programs

Academic, Career & Technical Education (CTE), & ND Scholarships

This set of scholarships were created to encourage and reward high school students for taking challenging coursework in preparation for attending a college or university in North Dakota. The scholarships can be used at an accredited state public, private, tribal institution, or accredited career & technical education school with a physical presence in the state.

The total value is $6,000.

North Dakota Indian Scholarship

The North Dakota Indian Scholarship is offered to enrolled members of federally recognized Indian tribes. Eligible students must be accepted for admission by a North Dakota institution of higher learning or state vocational education program.

Students who qualify may recieve up to $2,000 annually in scholarship funding under this merit and need-based program.

Dual-Credit Tuition Scholarship

The Dual-Credit Tuition Scholarship rewards college students for taking dual-credit coursework as a high school student. To qualify, students must meet the eligibility criteria, complete an application with the ND University System (NDUS), and provide all supporting documentation.

The NDUS will award the Dual-Credit Tuition Scholarship throughout the academic year. Scholarship award amounts will not exceed $750. The maximum payment will be no more than 50% of the cost of the dual-credit course(s), and will be limited to the cost of tuition and fees for the semester, quarter or term the scholarship applies.  This scholarship may be used for post-secondary enrollment at any ND state public, private, tribal or proprietary institution. 

North Dakota Scholars Program

The ND Scholars Award provides merit-based, full-tuition scholarships to qualifying North Dakota high school graduates who choose to stay in North Dakota to earn a first bachelor’s degree. High school students who score at or above the ninety-fifth percentile among those who took the ACT or SAT prior to July 1st in the calendar year preceding the individual’s enrollment in college, will be considered for the award. Students will be awarded in descending rank order, based on test scores, until available funds are expended or until the pool of applicants has been exhausted. No application is necessary – Students must take ACT or SAT to qualify.

The amount of the scholarship is equal to no more than the regular undergraduate tuition rate. The award will not exceed the highest regular undergraduate tuition rate in the NDUS, or actual tuition charges, whichever is lower, at non-public institutions. Scholars may receive the award for no more than eight semesters or twelve quarters of full-time undergraduate enrollment, or until the attainment of a baccalaureate degree, whichever occurs first.

Students may use the award at the state’s public, tribal or private institutions, provided the colleges have programs of study of at least 2 years in length.

Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP)

The Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP) offers various streams of student support. It funds North Dakota students to attend out-of-state programs while also allowing non-residents to attend North Dakota schools. North Dakota public colleges and universities participate in tuition reciprocity and exchange programs to help lower the amount of tuition that non-resident students typically pay. NDUS institutions participate in reciprocity with Minnesota, and also in student exchange programs through the Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC), and WICHE.

The program offers various resources for both undergraduate and graduate students.

North Dakota Grant Programs

North Dakota State Grant

The Student Financial Assistance Program, also known as the State Grant, provides a non-repayable need-based grants to North Dakota residents who are first-time undergraduate students. Students must be pursuing an eligible program at a qualifying North Dakota institution, and must be enrolled at least quarter-time. Qualifying institutions include state accredited public, tribal, and private institutions, provided the institutions have programs of study of at least two years in length.

The award offers up to $1,100 per semester or $733 per quarter, based on enrollment status.

Find More Grants and Scholarships for North Dakota College Students

If you plan to attend college or you’re currently a part-time or full-time student, you likely know that the cost of education can be expensive. It makes sense to apply for scholarships to help you avoid student loans. Scholarships can also help expand your career opportunities.

The list of scholarships for students in North Dakota is not limited to the prizes above. There are many more college scholarships that you may qualify for. These include private scholarships offered by companies, colleges, charities, religious organizations, and many more institutions. To find prizes that match well with your profile, you can consult with your school counselor or financial aid office. You can also use our free scholarship finder to connect with many scholarships from our database.

The right prizes are out there for you. Finding and applying for them is definitely worth the effort.

The post How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of North Dakota first appeared on BridgesEDU Scholarships.

Original post here: How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of North Dakota

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