Friday, October 28, 2022

How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of Maine

The State of Maine offers various financial aid resources to help Maine residents with the cost of higher education. The state’s various scholarship and grant programs are coordinated by the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME).

Below, we offer a list of Maine scholarships and grants. In comparison to other states, Maine’s scholarship programs are less numerous so we’ve also added some information to help connect you with private scholarships. Some are open specifically to Maine students attending a Maine college, but others have wider eligibility requirements (they are open to all undergraduate and/or graduate students).

For education scholarships offered by state governments, you’ll typically have to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Be sure to read all terms and conditions before applying for scholarships to be certain that you’re eligible to win the prize. This is important because scholarship awards are often designed to reward specific things.

For example, certain awards may exist for students who are currently high school seniors, attending a specific community college, are in financial need, or who meet countless other eligibility criteria. While this may make the process of finding the right scholarship for you seem inaccessible, you should know that with a little bit of research, the right prize is likely out there for you. If you’re unsure where to start, check out some other list of scholarship prizes that we offer or a scholarship database, which connects you with thousands of college scholarships to help you pay for college. Let’s get to some prizes!

Maine Scholarship Programs

Doctor’s for Maine’s Future Scholarship

The Doctors for Maine’s Future Program provides scholarships for eligible medical students who enroll in a qualifying Maine-based medical school program. Currently, Tufts University School of Medicine Maine Medical Center Program and the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine participate in the Doctors for Maine’s Future Scholarship Program.

Students who are or will be enrolled in a qualifying Maine-based medical school program are eligible for the scholarship. The student must have a substantial connection to the state of Maine and at least one year of residence in Maine for purposes other than education.

Priority is given to medical students who meet at least two of the following:

  • The student has received a high school diploma, or its equivalent, in Maine.
  • The student has received a baccalaureate degree from a four-year college or university in Maine.
  • The legal residence of the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) is in Maine.

You may be awarded up to 50 percent of the institution’s cost of attendance or $25,000 annually, whichever is less.

Maine Grant Programs

Main State Grant Program

There are two streams of this program. Administered by FAME, the Maine State Grant Program provides need-based grants to Maine undergraduate students of all ages. Additionally, the Maine State Grant Program for Adult Learners is meant to provide support for students aged 24 or older.

To be eligible, you must attend an eligible college or university in Maine. Students enrolled in NEBHE’s Tuition Break Program, the New England Regional Student Program, may also be eligible.

The maximum grant award amount for the Maine State Grant Program and Maine State Grant Program for Adult Learners is $2,500.

The Tuition Waiver Program

Maine offers two Tuition Waiver Programs. The Tuition Waiver Program (Foster Care) is available to certain foster children and adopted children/wards under subsidy from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The Tuition Waiver Program (Public Servant) is available to children or spouses of Maine firefighters, law enforcement officers, or emergency medical services providers killed in the line of duty.

The award is the actual amount of tuition waived at the college/university that you attend. Tuition Waiver may be used for any attendance during fall and spring terms. During summer terms, Tuition Waiver may only be used for full-time attendance.

Out-of-State Reduced Tuition

If you are a Maine resident and would like to pursue a major not offered at one of the Maine systems, some state universities in New England offer reduced tuition to Maine students pursuing a program that is not offered in Maine.

For more information on reduced tuition at an out-of-state school, visit the New England Board of Higher Education’s (NEBHE) website.

Find More College Scholarships and Grants

Your search for college scholarships shouldn’t end here. We offer a huge list of scholarships in our scholarship finder, which is free to use.

Ultimately, it’s good practice to apply for scholarships as often as possible. There are many scholarships out there, so don’t give up! The more you apply for, the better your chances of receiving one. Good luck!

More college scholarships available for students
The post How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of Maine first appeared on BridgesEDU Scholarships.

Original post here: How to Win Scholarships and Grants – State of Maine

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